The massages are pretty good but I have yet to get any type of happy ending. They are pretty professional here,which is good but not what I went for. Maybe I just haven’t had any luck with any of the girls but it was still a good massage.
Providers Name: lindsey Do you wish to enjoy a delightful full body massage experience. Get in touch through text on 773- 840-9596 for erotic hot sex, full body massage, blowjobs, GFEs, FS, anal and oral sex. Your place or my place for a 100% discrete sensational fun experience. No cops no enforcement agents.
Providers Name: Jenny Ginny was friendly and gave a good massage. Did not offer to do hj or bj but the massage was worth the money. I got the impression that she would have done more if asked but she was kind of ugly and I didn't feel like asking her to do more.
Providers Name: Mimi Was expecting from last reviewer to have great time. she placed towel on me whole time would not remove. not what i was expecting at all. a nice massage
Providers Name: Amanda The place was{ pacific wellness spa} before now it is{ sedona spa }very clean ,very busy ,well taken care of lots of Chinese herbs,which i think is just a { .you know }her name is amanda she says but i heard the other girl working there call her yinping which didnt matter anyway .amanda said she was leaving for a couple of months and would be back in jan.feb.2009 i told her i will be back to see her .no regrets at all .well worth it $$$$$