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A recent article shared to me by WangDang about LE cracking down on AMP's in Mesa kinda made me say Hmmmmmmm. (Maybe lay low for a while. I gonna miss Yoko @ Massage Max)
An excerpt from the article states,
"Fox has complained to the city about Massage Ace, near Alma School and Baseline roads. The parlor is among multiple Mesa massage parlors listed on the Web site www.eroticmp.com. The site’s tag line is “A beautiful beginning for your happy ending."
What do you guys think????
I think LE knows every EMP & they know exactly what goes on there. They pick & choose who they want to bust.
I agree that the police know exactly what goes on. I also think that as long the Owner and business isn't hurting anyone the police understand it's better than having girls walking the streets.
If you notice these crack downs always occur when some prude shows up at a strip mall with and AMP and gets offended. Read the article about the crack down in Mesa carefully and see if you agree.
The cops know what goes on but they've got bigger problems. It's like the open container laws adopted in the 60's and 70's. You could get a ticket for drinking a beer on the street but put it in a paper bag and the cops don't know if it's a Coors or a Coke. Fuck it, move on and deal with real bad guys.
Thx for all !
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