Incorrect credentials.
11/13/2010 06:12 am

posts: 0

new one opened up in the borders of fairfield..fair warning to all be careful.le in FF has been good about keeping such places out.its why most have opened in suisun. so be careful about going into this one. the risk of getting pinched is high..
11/13/2010 11:57 am

posts: 0

Yes, I've partipated in discussion threads of Fairfield and the conventional wisdom is - drive to Suisun City a few minutes away where Tokyo & many others have been open for business and keeping regular clients coming back for years.

Good post, thanks, Bro.
11/13/2010 02:08 pm

posts: 0

no worries ..i have hit all in suisun
11/13/2010 05:34 pm

posts: 0

No wonder we got double as you must have met Coffee...
11/14/2010 01:46 am

posts: 0

coffee, happey, there is also oska b4 tokyo, kim spa,rolling touch, and 2 others cant remebr the names yeaa i know a few
11/17/2010 08:19 am

posts: 0

Ah Coffee good times were had. I never seem to have seen anyone else there besides Coffee so I stopped going.
11/17/2010 11:56 am

posts: 0

Hard to not need a jolt of Coffee from time to time though...
11/17/2010 11:19 pm

posts: 0

just ask about happy..coffe will tell u
11/18/2010 02:49 pm

posts: 0

Notice the new review today ID'ing that Coffee sometimes goes as Kim? Worth knowing... still pretty consistently off-the-DAMN-HOOK service levels and enthusiasm, it appears.
May need further on "happy..."
11/18/2010 10:30 pm

posts: 0

interesting..did not know..well when ever mony inproves i will be ack to amp's.but time will tell on that sadly
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