Anal Sex and Provider's Ass Play

In 'Hartford Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by mm22401

Incorrect credentials.
07/02/2010 06:23 am

posts: 0

This topic refers to Palm Tree Spa
Palm Tree Spa picture

Hey guys. I plan to go to Palm Tree soon and I'll be sure to write a review. I need your help with a couple of questions about Palm Tree but these questions apply to other MPs too of course. So if you have info about other places please include it too.

It happens that I have a dirty mind and I like/need to play with the lady's ass. Anal sex would be great. But fingering her ass even outside will do. Otherwise it takes me a long time to finish which is not a good thing with the clock ticking.

So here are my questions about the ladies in Palm Tree and other MPs

1) if you tried to ask for anal sex with extra tip of course, did she accept? how much did extra tip did you offer?

2) have you tried to play with the lady's ass? how far did you go without objection from her?

Also, I have a request from the site managers, can you please add to the menu questions items for anal sex and fingering the provider's ass.

The options for ass fingering can be
- Didn't try
- Objected to outside
- Objected to inside but allowed outside
- Allowed inside

Anyways thanks in advance and happy 4th of July
Easy Money
07/02/2010 12:51 pm

posts: 0

I have never been to Palm Tree so I can not talk about the girls likes and dislikes. I am a boob man myself but while laying face down for a massage I will silde my hand up and down a providers leg reaching her ASS along the way. Some girls will kinda pull away and others will let me put my hand in their panties and play with there brown eye. It is entierly up to the girl. If you start to play and she dosn't object just keep going, if you want to have Anal I would start with 100 beans as a tip. She will either go for it or will ask for more or flat out say no. You are in her ball park so to speak.... GO FOR IT.....
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