In 'Fort Lauderdale General Talk'


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09/19/2020 01:21 pm

posts: 5

HELLO LADIES OF THE NIGHT.Ari here, just a couple of things about this site that all of you need to know a head of things.1. there are clowns that are out to steal your account information. They will send you a text says that you must respond to their site, WHICH WILL BE SPELLED different from the true, site.such as the most recent one == adultsearch.camthis will send you to their site where you will be asked to enter you email account and pass word which is what they are after. Thus, they will be stealing your bitcoin account along with any other personal information.ALWAYS remember ADULTSEARCH.COM "will not ever send you a text message".2. Ladies let's all be classy with the ads we put up. THIS IS NOT "LISTCRAWLER" !3.Local ladies put in your ads that YOU ARE A LOCAL AND NOT A OUT-OF-TOWNER, this is so all the guys know your always here and not gone tomorrow. Do not put on your ads that your VISITING. That is for the girls that think there is a pot of gold here for them to take from us locals.4. Remember that sports are going to mess up scheduling for us, so be prepared for the down times causes by the different games of car races.5. MOST OF ALL: ...BE GOOD OR BE GOOD AT IT.... ARI
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