Incorrect credentials.
12/30/2014 08:55 pm

posts: 0

i prefer bodyrubbers who do not see negroes. The therapiss conduct themselves better then the thereapists who service negros and are a bit classier. They definitely smell better and their rooms don't have those dark pubic hairs lingering in the corners, tables and on the floor. Nothing wrong with not servicig negros, especially if I am paying for it. I pay to stay away from them. Caveat emptor.
12/31/2014 01:56 am

posts: 0

I was reading the ads on "Back" a couple of weeks ago and there was a photo of a very nice looking Black girl. On the side of the ad were a couple of squares that said "I (Heart) White Men" and "Absolutely No Black Males." It kind of took me by surprise.
I have asked a few of our providers about their customers. A couple of them said that they wouldn't "massage" Black men, Latinos, and very rarely would they work on Asian men. Another one told me that she had a somewhat regular Black patron but that she didn't see him anymore. She held up her arm, pointed to her forearm and said "He too big, couldn't get all the way in my pussy."...or words to that affect.
I have a relative that used to give almost all-night cook-outs during the summer. One of her friends' boyfriend would get there and tell about every racist joke about every minority that he knew. I asked my relative "What would you do if I brought a Black girl to one of your cook-outs...would you be surprised?" She said that she wouldn't be surprised at all...because she had never heard me say the "N"-word, that she had never heard me tell a race-based joke, and she had noticed that I never cracked a smile when the guy would tell all of his racist jokes.
12/31/2014 02:57 am

posts: 0

I don't know, I have seen little bigotry and racism in my many years. I have had black friends and colleagues who claimed they were being discriminated, but their stories seemed to be overly sensitive. Maybe I have no sympathy.

As far as not taking black guys, one AMP favorite says that she won't take white guys with big dicks who want to pound on her. And, at night, as discussed above, a person has to be neatly dressed to be let in.
12/31/2014 06:02 am

posts: 0

BuSter_Knutt wrote:
i prefer bodyrubbers who do not see negroes. The therapiss conduct themselves better then the thereapists who service negros and are a bit classier. They definitely smell better and their rooms don't have those dark pubic hairs lingering in the corners, tables and on the floor. Nothing wrong with not servicig negros, especially if I am paying for it. I pay to stay away from them. Caveat emptor.

Some providers have their preferences for a variety of reasons. However, the post from BuSter Knutt is outright racists and repugnant! I might have my own preferences; e.g., I PREFER Asian providers; BUT, I NEVER paintbrush an ethnic group as "better", "classier", "smell better", et al.

BuSter Knutt's post reflects gross ignorance and displays him as a vivid dirt bag of humanity!
01/02/2015 11:12 am

posts: 0

You liberals fricken kill me! America home of the free. If a woman does not want to be with a black man? Nothing is wrong with that. If a johnnie does not want to be in a room that smells like black men? What is wrong with that?
01/02/2015 01:30 pm

posts: 0

As I said earlier there are people of all races who are bad people. Buster just proves that point.

You know you can have racist views in America but you can also be ridiculed for them and publically shamed and humiliated as ignorant for possessing them each and every time you voice them and you should be. Because they shouldn't be spread. Racism has to die. People like you that cling to it with thier last once of strength need to be confronted and addressed and called out and put down.

Buster is a racist nothing he has to say should be comsidered as valid to this discussion. Ignore his posts.
01/05/2015 10:12 am

posts: 0

Can u smell what TheROCK is cooking?
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