Incorrect credentials.
10/01/2011 02:57 pm

posts: 0

Greetings... I was gonna try Total Body Concepts, and when I go to their website it looks like they have changed their name. Did they get bought? Are they still doing what I (and all of us) would go there for?
10/03/2011 01:23 pm

posts: 16

what's their website?
10/04/2011 03:44 pm

posts: 0

JackShep wrote:
what's their website?
10/04/2011 03:56 pm

posts: 16

2 completely different places. different address, phone number, vita revive seems legit but only one can find out by toft. '
10/04/2011 07:27 pm

posts: 0

Right. Did you visit TBC's website? They state right on the site that they are now "Vita Revive". My question was, are they the same type of place, and the question was primarily aimed at locals who might have been there recently.
10/07/2011 08:28 pm

posts: 0

Drove by today and its looked like the same place nothing change don teh window or doors stating they moved or anything
10/13/2011 04:31 pm

posts: 0

Did you make a visits to TBC? And how was it.
10/13/2011 09:51 pm

posts: 0

Fusion wrote:
Did you make a visits to TBC? And how was it.
I have not been there. I wanted to go there, but their website is now gone, and when it was up it said they were now "Vita Revive". I actually called the old number and there was no answer. I called the new number, and some guy answered the phone (he didn't sound Oriental - he spoke perfect English). He said they had only been open a couple of weeks. They were willing to make me an appointment, but it sounded a bit... therapeutic, if ya get my drift.
10/14/2011 05:56 am

posts: 0

TBC has ads on backpage saying they are open
11/16/2011 09:04 pm

posts: 0

Heh heh heh... yup, they're open The nice lady (who spoke English) explained that the former owner left and opened another establishment, which is why the website said they are now, "Vita Revive". I will leave a review.
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