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In 'Las Vegas Erotic Massage Parlors & Masseuses'

by berkshire88

Incorrect credentials.
07/24/2013 09:14 pm

posts: 0

This topic refers to Queen Vixen Spa
Queen Vixen Spa picture

I stopped by on Wednesday afternoon. Only two masseuses there, both fully
licensed. They told me they are doing everything by the book and complying
100% with all laws and regulations......100% legal.

I walked across the street and rang the bell at Magical Paradise. No answer at
about 4.30 PM.
07/24/2013 10:42 pm

posts: 0

Are you carrying some folders or paper when you walked toward the door? You must have scared off everyone thinking you are either a state or county license inspector...
07/25/2013 12:34 am

posts: 0

No. I am a well-known regular. I wish that I was wrong. Maybe one of you mongers can sally forth down
to Q for a massage and come and report back. That way we can get a second opinion.
07/25/2013 11:40 pm

posts: 0

berkshire88 wrote:
No. I am a well-known regular. I wish that I was wrong. Maybe one of you mongers can sally forth down
to Q for a massage and come and report back. That way we can get a second opinion.
post some reviews, then report back.
07/26/2013 04:54 pm

posts: 0

No more four girl rotation. Mamasan Helen gone. The place is very quiet. Go and see for yourselves.
Klem 1
07/26/2013 06:37 pm

posts: 0

Ditto Apache...

Your deadweight.. Member 2 years and no reviews.

No Cred. Leech.

07/26/2013 11:18 pm

posts: 0

QV has been the #1 rated spot in the U.S. so I'm much less interested in his site activity than the accuracy of the info. So I'll be very interested when others check it out. Amazing how folks jump to the personal attacks when what we should be seeking is accurate info.
07/26/2013 11:22 pm

posts: 0

chidave wrote:
QV has been the #1 rated spot in the U.S. so I'm much less interested in his site activity than the accuracy of the info. So I'll be very interested when others check it out. Amazing how folks jump to the personal attacks when what we should be seeking is accurate info.

"When others check it out . chidave, how about TOFTT and bring back a report. You have good credintials.
07/27/2013 01:20 pm

posts: 0

I live quite a way from QV but next time I can get over there-challenge accepted. I'm known there and have spent many a happy hour there so even if I get the "totally legit" explanation I'll go in for a massage and see if more is really available once the door shuts. This has been the most reviewed AMP in the country and it's strange that it seems to have dropped off the map. Maybe they have had LE issues and are just marking time until they can get the action going again.
07/28/2013 02:29 am

posts: 0

Shit I live in North Las Vegas and that don't keep me from any part of Henderson. QV has had some problems so unless you are well known to the gals or an older, mature dude...........just saying.
08/18/2013 02:25 am

posts: 0

I can confirm QV isn't what it used to be. Stopped by there later at night and no answer at the door. Plus their phone # now goes to a fax line when I've tried calling.
08/18/2013 11:04 am

posts: 0

They have had problems with the law. So it is not surprising for them to not respond after 10pm if that is when you went. Helen is gone for good. They are low profile now, but will eventually will be back in true form I am sure. Best to give it a rest for now.
08/21/2013 08:42 am

posts: 0

I think you might be right! I rang the bell early this morning, nobody answered the door.
08/21/2013 01:54 pm

posts: 0

I have never been there myself, but I did drive up to the door yesterday. The lot look deserted with 1 car there.
08/22/2013 03:15 am

posts: 0

I never felt comfortable at this spot. I miss the one across from the Rio back in the day.
08/22/2013 03:24 pm

posts: 0

Isn't Sunbright still there?
08/22/2013 05:12 pm

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08/22/2013 05:55 pm

posts: 0

Rio Hotel. There was a place on Valley View that was the best place. QV like with all nationalities and no crazy upsell.
08/22/2013 05:55 pm

posts: 0

Rio Hotel. There was a place on Valley View that was the best place. QV like with all nationalities and no crazy upsell.
06/19/2024 05:49 am

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