Lost/missing listing for Fantasy World I in Swannanoa

In 'Asheville Adult Stores'

by WhiteLab

Incorrect credentials.
01/23/2021 11:38 am

posts: 1

The Fantasy World I store at 1822 Hwy 70, Swannanoa, is under same ownership as the Fantasy World II, Candler, NC location. Nice friendly attendants. No hassle and fair action. There's a marquee near the road that is lighted during business hours and a gate that's open for business hours that reduces the loitering in the parking lot. Action varies as expected. Some near lunch hour break and later in afternoon. No doors on booths (Buncombe County rules) and some attendants prefer you follow rules and stay "inside" the booth if you decide to "take a knee".

This message was edited by WhiteLab on Jan 23rd 2021 17:39 for reason: Excess words/poor grammer

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