In 'Seattle General Talk'

by neverkidakider

Incorrect credentials.
10/02/2012 07:02 pm

posts: 1

Danger Danger Danger *GoRGErOus SeDuCtIVe HoTTie*~80hh speavials¡ - ID: 662415 is a thief and liar. Here are her own words :"I have no location or money or even clothes I have a opportunity to move in somewhere but no,money I still need300 its,threew thd ywca.im sure u cant help but I,thought u might be abke too" Now this is after she stole 260 from me and said to come back for the appointment. She thought her sad sad story would get me to western union her some money. When I said I would bring it and pay for her hotel "Why would you do that? I dont want you paying for my room with ur credit card for all I know you are using a stolen card. I am offended and cant believe no im not meeting you there at five you didnt want to help me last night because you wanted to make sure u got to fuck me and get ur moneys worth." She goes by Chloe Pristine on BP. and on Adult search she goes by the "gorgeous seductive hottie" She is a liar and a thief. I'm not a disgruntled client I never got to be a client she stole the money out of my shirt before anything happened and then when I came out of the bathroom she had to go pick up her son and told me to come back. She never showed back up
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